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Good Idea #1: Start a List of Good Ideas

You watch morning talk shows. You read magazines, self help books. You listen to public radio and have dinner with friends.  You have random strokes of genius throughout your day.  You think "that is a good idea!" And then... you forget it.  You wonder how many ideas have come and gone, never to be thought of again.

Of course I am describing myself here... but maybe I am describing you, too.  If I am, here's an idea.  Keep a notebook or just a piece of paper, handy where ever ideas tend to strike you most.  In your magazine rack (or in my case in the stack of magazines piled haphazardly on the coffee table/bookshelf/floor), next to the bed, in your purse, in your wallet, on the table nearest to where you usually watch TV, in the car (for use at stop lights only).  Whenever a good idea comes to you, write it down.

If you keep several of these lists, it might be helpful to compile them all in one place for easy review... a master notebook, a manuscript for you future Book of Genius, or say, a blog where you can share all your awesome ideas with friends, family and other loyal readers (ahem).  But at the very least, even if you never do anything with your lists and they eventually become unreadable due to wear inside your wallet, are lost at the bottom of your purse, or are destroyed by a curious house cat, the very act of writing your good ideas down will help you to remember them and just maybe put them to good use.

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